Tech Tools

History Pin - share glimpse of your past with others by adding images, videos, and audio to a digital map.

Smilebox Tutorial - allows you to add your images and video to SmileBox temples to create one of a kind creations.

Tagxedo is a great tool for teachers and 
students. Students can create visually stunning word clouds using their names and descriptive words to create "All About Me" clouds at the beginning of school. You can also add poems, famous speeches, news articles, slogans, and themes to Tagxedo.


- Make word clouds and re-spin
- Save word cloud as images for printing and sharing
- Choose word cloud from the gallery you like and further
   tweak or save
- Choose from many different fonts
- Use local fonts, download fonts, or your own hand-drawn 
- Quickly switch between different colors and themes
- Use images as custom shapes
- Use words as custom shapes